
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

After Lake

After our lake outing, we've chilled out at a friend's house. I adored the view from his window which looks to a fortress on the hill. It would be such a joy to sip your tea looking at that view (hmm..time for me to live in a more airy and scenic house I suppose). It was rainy outside, so we profited staying indoor by playing cards and watching some Top Gear episodes (I'd never seen it before, now I'm looking forward to watch another episode, do you know it?)
Après notre sorti au lac, nous avons décompressé chez un ami. J'ai adoré la vue depuis sa fenêtre qui voit une forteresse sur la colline. Ce serait une grande joie de siroter votre thé en regardant ce point de vue (hmm..le temps pour moi de vivre dans une maison plus spacieuse et pittoresque, je suppose). Il pleuvait à l'extérieur, donc nous avons profité en restant à l'intérieur en jouant aux cartes et regardant quelques épisodes de Top Gear (je n'avais jamais vu cette série avant, maintenant je suis impatiente de regarder un autre épisode, le savez-vous?)

"Alone, their fragments shored against the ruin or revelation
that was sure to come, breathing in their secret atmosphere,
repeating them until they almost seemed my own.
We like to think our lives are what they study to become,
and yet so much of life is waiting, waiting on a whim.
So much of what we are is sheer coincidence,
like a sentence whose significance is retrospective,
made up out of elementary particles that are in some sense
simply sounds, like syllables that finally settle into place."
-- John Koethe, Ninety-Fifth Street